This Greek prefix is only found in very technical terms, such as anisogamy and anisotropic. It comes from the Greek word « angeion » (ἀγγεῖον) meaning “urn” or “pot”. angio- is a Greek prefix which means “relating to blood vessels”.Anemometer and anemone are English words containing the prefix anemo. It is derived from the ancient Greek word anemos (ἄνεμος) meaning “wind”. anemo- is a Greek prefix which means “wind”.In the case of the word androgen, the meaning of the prefix is man (instead of human).
An example word formed with this prefix is android (a robot which looks like a human). It is derived from the Greek word andros ( ἀνδρός). andro- is a Greek prefix which can mean either “human” or “male”.Some examples of vocabulary words with this prefix are analysis, analogy and analogous. ana- : from « ana » (ἀνά) meaning “above” or “throughout”.Some examples of English words containing this prefix are amphibian and amphitheatre. amphi- is derived from the Greek word amphi (ἀμφί) which means “on both sides”.This prefix appears in English words such as ampelographer ampelo- : a rather rare prefix which is derived from the Greek word ampelos (ἄμπελος) meaning “vine”.allosteric, allophone and allotrope are examples of English words which contain this prefix. allo- is a Greek prefix derived from the word allos (ἄλλος) meaning “other”.This Greek prefix is only found in very technical terms, such as aleurone (a protein found in cereals). Ailurophobe and ailurophilia are examples of English vocabulary words containing this prefix. ailuro- : this prefix comes from the Greek word ailouros (αἴλουρος) which means “cat”.aesthesio- : from « aesthetes » (αἰσθητής) meaning “one who perceives”.This Greek prefix appears in many English vocabulary words, for example: aerobic, aerospace and aerosol. aeolo- : from « aiolos » (αἰόλος) meaning “moving” or “changing”.adeno- is a prefix which comes from the Greek word aden (ἀδήν) meaning “gland”.An example word with this prefix is actinomorphic (a flower with petals arranged in radial symmetry). It comes from the Greek word aktis (ἀκτίς) meaning “ray”, or “radial”. actino- : this Greek prefix appears mostly in technical words from biology.Examples of English words with this prefix are acronym and acrobat acro- : this prefix comes from the Greek word akros (ἄκρος) which means "at the extremity” or “peak”.acaro- : from « akari » (ἄκαρι) meaning “mite” or “tick” (a minuscule insect).It comes from the ancient Greek word akantha (ἄκανθα) meaning thorn. acanth- is a Greek prefix which is mostly used in botany and zoology.Showing Greek prefixes Greek prefixes starting with A